If you have studied Latin, you know that the word Gaudete means rejoice/joy. During the season of Advent in the church year, we celebrate Gaudete Sunday on the third Sunday of Advent. We do that to celebrate that we are very close to the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior.
What difference does that truth make in our lives? You might be asking will the coming of Jesus make my life any different. Will my bills be any less? Will my challenges with my family be solved? Will I be healthier?
I don’t know. What I do know, in the midst of those challenges, in the midst of the questions and in the midst of everyday ordinary life, Jesus comes to earth to bring us hope, love, joy and peace.
It is my prayer that the peace, joy, hope and love of Jesus will help you in your life’s journey and challenges, so that you may rejoice and experience joy. If you want to talk or need prayer, email me at pastor@stmatthews-elca.org.
Pastor Lesley